About me

Architect & Digital Project Manager

based in Spain.

On this site, I’ll share my thoughts about topics that are in the intersection of the built and the unbuilt environment, or Architecture & Technology.


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How to build and deploy a free Notion website

September 4, 2022

A definitive step-by-step guide to build and deploy a personal website using Notion.

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What is the metaverse? A short reflection

September 5, 2022

A non-scientific reflection about the meaning of “metaverse” and how the industry is approaching.

<aside> 🔥 Coming soon



About This Site

I've seen a growing number of folk using Notion to create super quick landing pages, personal sites and resumes recently and decided I would give it a shot to see how far I could take it. Big shout-out to Sam Dickie and Fruition for their great work that made posible creating this website in a blink of an eye!

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I will be sharing new insights and writings in the coming weeks. Everything I learn about architecture, tech and sports will be shared across my social media and this website. Want to support me and get first access to the new snippets?